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FREE “View Law Victory” Includes Must-Have ViewLaw Mediation Tips

Our mission as crusaders for view protection and restoration is to provide you with helpful information for capturing the value of your magnificent view.

Our FREE e-book View Law Victory (visit our home page to download your copy) is an excellent primer for those of you who may be suffering from obstructions and neighborly disagreements.

The first thing to remember is that mediation can work.  Sometimes reason does prevail.

TIPs for Mediation Success

Most view restoration programs require mediation as a first step. It goes without saying that you want the best mediator possible, one who is good with people, and possesses empathetic listening skills, yet has a firm hand that will manage the process and understand the issues.

So find a mediator trusted by both sides, with the needed skill sets. But how?  The best way is to become a private eye.

Your mediator has a personality and a philosophy of life.

Your mediator also has a past.

Investigate!  Uncover every detail you can, including —

  • Schools attended
  • Memberships (associations and clubs)
  • Public profile/political views
  • Track record: past cases
  • Job history
  • Personal website and social media

Without this information, your first encounter may feel awkward as you try to “figure out” who you are talking to.

Rather, think of the mediator as a special kind of tool.  Master his or her tendencies and idiosyncrasies and you’ve successfully completed your first step.

When Choosing a Mediator

You are best served by contacting potential mediators, or better, by meeting with them before making a selection.

You are looking for the right blend of knowledge, experience and chemistry; it’s a job interview, after all.

Ask these questions:

  • Do you have experience mediating view obstruction cases in my city?
  • Who were the parties and lawyers in those cases?
  • Have you worked with the attorney for my neighbor before?
  • What is your mediation style?  Are you evaluative?  Facilitative?  Something else?
  • Why should I hire you as the mediator in this case?
  • Can you suggestion other mediators I might interview?

If a prospective mediator is too busy to talk to you for ten minutes to help you make a selection, he or she is probably not the mediator for your view restoration case.