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Protect your view today by calling (310) 265-8000

Serving all of California

Beautiful unobscured coastal view
Gorgeous hillside coastal view
Beautiful hillside coastal view
Stunning clear ocean view

How to get your view back.

Magnificent mountain views blocked by a neighbor’s hedge? Exhilarating ocean views taken by trees? Considering a claim against your neighbor to get your gorgeous views back? Here are some tips to help you avoid the ugly, drawn-out battles we all want to avoid.

Restored coastal view

1. Review your local ordinances

Many cities, homeowner’s associations and community interest developments have view protection ordinances and regulations. They can be difficult to find, though. Below we’ve provided you with links to the ordinances, tree management policies and view protection restrictions that apply.

2. Let's have a conversation

Charles Peterson, Attorney

Call Charlie to discuss your view issues anywhere in California — (310) 265-8000

The remarkable views on your property are priceless. So, when taken away, you naturally want to take action.

Let's talk first so that your initial steps can lead to success. A wrong step at the beginning of your view restoration process can complicate the outcome of any future legal complaint. Call or submit this form to get started.

Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your email address.
Please provide a valid 10-digit phone number.


Please write us a message.

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Electronic mail is provided as a convenience in communicating with the attorneys at California View Law. I understand and agree that my transmission of this information does not establish an attorney-client relationship with California View Law, and does not create an attorney-client privilege with California View Law.

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3. Read our 5 High-Impact Steps to View Restoration Success

This informative document will prepare you for success in accomplishing your view restoration goal. In it we cover the following important steps:

1. Investigate
2. Readiness
3. Candid Camera
4. Mediation Analysis
5. Paradox Embrace

Success goes to the prepared!

Download our Free guide to the View Restoration Claim Process

5 High-Impact Steps to View Restoration Claim Success


4. Write a letter to your neighbor

Okay. You've checked your ordinances. You know what the view restoration process entails from reading the 5 High-Impact Steps guide What's next?

If, after doing Steps 1 & 2, you are prepared to pursue a view restoration complaint, the next step is to begin the process with a friendly letter to you neighbor describing the problem and possible resolutions. To help you out you can download our prepared Neighborly Request template. Simply modify it to fit your particulars.

Will sending such a letter immediately end your conflict? Maybe not. These disputes can be legally and emotionally complicated. You may still need some expert advice.  If so, we’ll welcome your call and help in every way that we can.

Sample: Neighborly Request for Tree Trimming

Not sure where to begin? Use this Neighborly Request template to get started.


By using these free resources, you’ll at least know you’ve put your best foot forward as you attempt to restore your lost view.